The a one stop “shopping” and service center for Ophthalmic Product.
PT. Meta Mata Medika, specializes in marketing and distibution of ophthalmic product. The company was established in 2012. In just short time, our company have been trusted by many leading brands of ophthalmic product. Here is a list of some our current clients:
1. Heidelberg Engineering
2. Essilor Instrument
3. Natus
4. ESW Vision
5. Metrovision
Our vision is to be the best company in Indonesia, in the eyes of our customers, shareholders, communities and people. We expect and demand the best we have to offer by providing a wide range of ophthalmic product and service center as well.
We are very confident that we will be able to develop and beat the competition to give the service excellence to our customer in Indonesia and to our market in the future.
We maintain a constant development and new innovation in ophthalmic industries, to remain as one of the leading distributor company of ophthalmic product. We will make every effort to commit to the highest quality standards in our services and products.
PT Meta Mata Medika
Plaza Maspion 3rd floor unit 3F, Jakarta Utara , Indonesia
Our Company
Supported by experienced experts company in the field of eye health in the world
Heidelberg Engineering continuously optimizes imaging and healthcare IT technologies to provide ophthalmic diagnostic solutions that empower clinicians to improve patient care. Heidelberg Engineering’s growing product portfolio combines these core technologies: confocal microscopy, scanning lasers and optics, optical coherence tomography (OCT), real-time image processing and analytics, multimodal image management solutions (PACS), electronic medical records (EMR) and large-scale data analysis.
Essilor Instruments is a leader in the development of modern solutions and technologies for eye care professionals throughout the world. Essilor extensive range of equipment has the right solution for every vision care practice. Has several variants from basic to advanced eye diagnostic tools.
Natus Medical Incorporated offers medical equipment, software, supplies and services for the diagnosis, monitoring and treatment of impairments and disorders affecting newborns. Offers devices and supplies for neonatal assessment and treatment, including eye imaging for retinopathy of prematurity (ROP), and more. Natus products are used in hospitals, clinics and laboratories worldwide.
ESW vision was established in 2017, as part of E-SWIN Group in France. ESW vision takes care about international business development dedicated to DRY EYE MANAGEMENT. E-Swin is developing and manufacturing high-tech technologies, available in more than 50 countries worldwide. Taking care of complete Dry Eye Management will offer exciting projects in the near future to launch our products within unique new concepts
Metrovision is a medical instrumentation company that develops, manufactures and markets specific solutions for measuring visual functions. Our products are used for the screening and diagnosis of diseases affecting the eye and the visual system. Metrovision specializes in instruments designed to be very multifunctional. For example Monpack One for electrophysiology exam, MonCV One for perimetry and more.
In 2020 we managed to get a CDAKB certificate (Cara Distribusi Alat Kesehatan yang Baik) Based on Permenkes No. 4 of 2014. CDAKB is a guideline for distribution activities and quality assurance control on medical devices.
in 2021 we registered our medical device products to the LKPP E-Catalog and until this year several have been successfully registered, including: Heidelberg Engineering, Natus, ESW Vision, Metrovision.